What plants and herbs exist in nature that can enlarge your penis? Secrets of Traditional Medicine

Herbal medicines are effective folk remedies for penis enlargementA large penis is a source of especially proud and cherished dreams for men. Even if the size of the penis is completely normal, many people strive to make it larger. How to achieve this without compromising your health? Harness the power of nature itself - with a little help from herbs! Not only are they natural, they are effective.Enlarging your penis with herbs is real!What exactly they are, you will learn from the article below.

Advantages of using herbs to enlarge your penis

Using plants to enlarge your penisTraditional medicine to help men's health: herbal infusions, baths and homemade ointments.This is only a small part of what nature has to offer for restoring strength and strengthening the manhood of the family.Depending on the type of herbs and plants, men can gain strength and increase penis size in varying periods of time. Why do many people turn to using herbal medicine?There are many opinions on this subject, but the biggest benefits of herbs for penis enlargement are:
  • naturalness.Herbal medicine is a natural remedy. Free of chemicals and side effects, it wins the trust of men.
  • Safety.Herbal medicines have almost no side effects. Only isolated allergic reactions are possible.
  • efficiency.Judging from the reviews from men, herbs do help in enlarging the penis. However, there will be a lot of waiting.
Most herbs can increase blood flow. They increase blood flow to the penis, thereby increasing penis size and normalizing erections. Don’t expect immediate results from herbs, be patient! The effects of natural products are unlikely to be immediate but cumulative.Regular intake of herbal medicine helps in enlarging the penis by 1-2 cm in two to three months.Taking infusions of medicinal plants can also enhance erections, improve tone, and improve overall health.

Where can I get medicines?

There are various options for preparing herbal remedies for penis enlargement. You can collect, dry and prepare herbal infusions or baths yourself. This is inconvenient and often simply impossible. Therefore, most representatives of strong sexual desire buy ready-made herbal preparations.
important!Consult your doctor before using herbal remedies. He or she will help you determine if you have other health problems and recommend comprehensive treatments.
Next, we will tell you which herbs are best for penis enlargement.

What plants should I use?


Ginseng helps enlarge penis and improve erectionsOne of the most popular penis enlargement and erection enhancing drugs. Ginseng is the root of life. It benefits human health, improves skin tone and helps you become more energetic and active.As for its effects on male power, ginseng is perfect for stimulating libido and enhancing orgasms. Its action is almost instantaneous. Due to the dramatic dilation of blood vessels, the effect of penis enlargement can be observed.The plant has no side effects. The only important thing is not to exceed the dosage.There are ready-made medicines based on ginseng in pharmacies.They are simple and easy to use. If you want to make your own ginseng herb, use the following recipe:Wash the ginseng roots and chop into small pieces. Place in a three-liter jar and fill with vodka. Leave for 12 hours. Take 50 grams daily for one month.If you have high blood pressure or stomach ulcers, use an alternative recipe that doesn't contain alcohol. For those with a sweet tooth, we have a recipe for male enhancement using honey:Mix crushed ginseng root with 1 liter of liquid honey heated to 50 degrees. Stir and leave for two weeks. Take 1 teaspoon of prepared tincture 3 times daily.

Ginkgo biloba

Men become more powerful after using Ginkgo bilobaGinkgo is a wild tree that grows in China.This therapy has been widely used by the Chinese since ancient times to improve brain processes and memory. But our contemporaries preferred to use it for other purposes.Some scientists refute its effects on potency, but many men view it positively.It affects the most "main sexual organ" in men - the brain.By effectively improving blood flow, brain function is stabilized, eliminating performance issues. The power of men becomes stronger than before the use of medicines from these leaves.You can purchase ginkgo biloba and make your own infusion at home.Pharmacies also offer a wide range of ready-made medicines in capsule and tablet form. They contain natural plant extracts, are effective and easy to use. It is recommended to follow the dosage stated on the packaging. The course of treatment is 3 to 6 months.Although this is a natural remedy, it is best to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Peruvian Maca Supplements

Maca Peruviana - an aphrodisiac that enlarges the penisThis plant is a powerful aphrodisiac. It increases libido and helps men recover quickly after intercourse. Good erections and penis enlargement are guaranteed with the use of Peruvian Maca supplements.Pure plant powders are hard to find in pharmacies. It is distributed via the Internet. If you decide to take this drug, carefully study the seller's website. Beware of scammers! It is required to send a certificate of conformity and real photos of the drug packaging.

List of medications for penis

Pharmacies offer a variety of medications for penis enlargement and erection enhancement. Typically these are dietary supplements. They are convenient, affordable and have few side effects.The most popular ones are: Vitamin E capsules, a vitamin for men. Not only do they increase erections and penis size, they also provide performance, energy, and a good feeling of well-being.
important!Take herbal remedies exactly as recommended by the manufacturer. Effective treatment requires a regular course of 1 to 6 months.
Do not forget that you can find ready-made medicines for men's health in your kitchen. For example, garlic. Take 20 drops of garlic infusion daily after meals. A popular and delicious men's health remedy is honey and nuts. They are powerful natural aphrodisiacs. By consuming these products, you will improve your sexual quality and strengthen your erections.


This amino acid increases blood flow, causing the penis to enlarge during an erection. Experimental studies show that some men feel effects after just 6 weeks of use.This trace element is essential for male health. It is widely used by athletes to recover quickly after hard training. L-arginine is essential for beautiful hair, nails, and skin. Recommended for men with oligozoospermia and inability to conceive.Do not take L-arginine if you have epilepsy or heart disease. It may be dangerous.

Topical products

In addition to using special preparations, you can also use plant baths and herbal ointments. This not only enhances the efficacy of the medicine, but also has a relaxing effect.
refer to.It is recommended to combine a ginseng bath with oral ginseng. This will have a lasting impact.
Pour 20 grams of crushed ginseng root into a cup of boiling water. Cool to comfortable temperature. Completely immerse your penis in the solution and bathe for 10-15 minutes.An alcohol infusion of some herbs can be applied on the penis for a week. The leaf extract penetrates the skin and increases blood flow and increases penis size.You can also use baking soda to promote penis growth.

3 ointment recipes

Ointment improves blood circulation in penile tissueOintments are undoubtedly one of the most effective treatments because, in addition to their beneficial ingredients, blood circulation increases when rubbed into the skin. Such massage is not only pleasurable to the male penis but also useful. And, it’s so easy to make them at home. It is enough to mix the ingredients in the correct proportions.Below we will introduce you to the three most effective male enhancement creams.
  1. Pour 1 cup of vodka into 100 grams of dried ginkgo leaves. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Rub the penis thoroughly for a few minutes, combined with massage.
  2. Pour the crushed ginseng root into 2 liters of vodka. Hold on for seven days. Rub thoroughly into penile skin and leave on for 10 days.
  3. There is also a herbal remedy for penis enlargement. Rub aloe vera juice onto the skin of your penis. This plant contains substances that activate nerve endings. This increases excitement. This should be done an hour before intimacy. This will allow you to surprise your partner with its impressive size and great sex.
suggestion.Play sports, eat right, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and be an interesting conversationalist. Maybe then, you won't need the help of herbs and penis enlargement pills to satisfy your partner.
Herbal remedies and other folk remedies for penis enlargement can help you strive for a strong penis and a great sex life. But you don’t need to take too much responsibility for them.Men's health depends largely on you.Take the responsibility into your own hands.