The length of the penis is a parameter, even during embryonic development. Yes, factors such as genetic susceptibility and ethnicity can affect the growth of the penis. But basically, it's roulette-luckily there are people who are large and suffer from complexes. The good thing is that today there is a lot of information on how to use the so-called "building-build" to "extract members". There are many technologies, mainly regularity and safety.
The purpose of this method is to increase the thickness of the penis. The secret is to artificially stop the blood flow in the genitals. This kind of technology is called extreme technology, because deviating from its rules of use may cause serious health problems and may even lead to yang ot.

This exercise will require a special cable clamp, which Nupers (the seeker of the idea of natural penis enlargement) abbreviates it as "CC". The latch mechanism design is safe because it allows the organ to be released at any time.
To secure the device, you need an elastic bandage and a rope so that it does not slip off the penis. Now discuss the technology directly:
- Wrap the part with an elastic bandage so that it does not touch the head.
- The cable clamp is inserted into the bottom of the penis and snaps into place.
Everything is very simple, but it is important to follow the advice:
- 100% erection is not allowed, otherwise the risk of vascular damage will increase;
- Regularity is the foundation of success. Exercise 4 times a week;
- Remuneration is the key to minimizing adverse consequences. It is worth 30-60 seconds at the beginning, and only switch to 5 minutes after 1-2 months. One method cannot last more than 15 minutes. Even for experienced villains, this is dangerous.
According to men’s comments, after six months of regular training, the penis circumference has increased by 1. 5-2 cm.
Ye Qing: Wet and dry
The technology comes from Arab countries, where, as you know, men have large penises. Boys under the age of 8 learn jelq exercise and use it until the desired effect is achieved.

As in the first case, the effect comes from an increase in blood flow. No other tools were used during the Yeqing period. All it needs is water, grease and a hand.
Nupers still divides Wet Yeqing into two subspecies:
- Add water when showering;
- Use cream or lubricant.
Therefore, in the first case, terry cloth will be used. After heating this bath accessory, the man wraps it around the penis as if steaming. It is recommended to "refresh" the temperature every 30-40 seconds, that is, the male organs should always be kept warm.
If the preparation takes at least 5 minutes, it will be correct. Then, the person folds the index finger and thumb into a ring. To hold the penis in this way, you need to work hard to move upward. Nupers calls this method "milking", and this term perfectly illustrates this process.
It is necessary to carefully raise your head without affecting the sexy zone. For this reason, it is recommended to repeat 100-200 times. After practicing for a month, the regularity is 2/2, 3/3, and 5/2. If you don't like water treatment, you can use a lubricant that does not quickly absorb into the skin.
The only difference between dry and clean is that no water and lubricant are involved in the massage process. Nuopers doesn't like this method because it is more traumatic and can cause sprains.
Julia's movement
A more dangerous technique has been developed from clamping. The conditions remain the same-members must be upright 60-70%. It is best to warm up the penis before you start exercising.
- The penis is wrapped around the thumb and index finger and squeezed hard.
- In this position, you need to hover for half a minute;
- Without reducing the strength, move your fingers to the middle of the penis and stop at the same time;
- After that, the hand moved to the head, did not reach 2-3 cm, and then moved in a static state for another 20 seconds.
This method takes about one minute. You can make up to 5 sets a day, with 2 days off a week. One month later, the exercise time increased to 2-3 minutes.
In African tribes, men use stones to plant penises. Nowadays, penis enlargement can be provided in many ways. But freight technology has not lost its relevance.

The whole point of stretching comes down to the fact that microcracks appear on the genitals. Instead of this interruption, a new cell is formed. If the process is normal, the result will be a qualitative "increase" in the length and width of the penis.
This is also an extreme method that requires maximum safety. The instruction is as follows:
- The important thing is-no erections at all;
- It is necessary to bend the foreskin to the base of the penis.
- Squeeze the head to remove blood.
- The penis is wrapped with an elastic bandage on the entire surface;
- A rope is tied to the edge of the bandage, and a heavy object is tied to the other end (a special hook is best).
- When the weight is on the floor, the structure is connected;
- Then lift the load by hand and release it slowly.
- The maximum stretch time for "beginners" is 10 minutes.
It is worth starting from 200-300 grams and gradually increasing the weight to 3 kg. The schedule for this kind of gymnastics looks like this at first-1/3, then 3/3. Ideally, you want to take 5 days off 2 days a week. The results will be displayed separately.
Jelqing and yuli can be included in this group because they are also based on manual techniques. But the following operation is actually called massage:
- Pull. . . Grasp the penis with your fingers and stretch it with up, down, left and right forces. The time spent on each side is 30 to 60 seconds. The number of repetitions is at least ten. It feels like connecting the pump to the penis and pulling it out.
- Buckling. . . not only helps increase blood flow, but also corrects curvature. You need to hold the penis with both hands. One fixes the penis firmly to the bottom, and the second is to force the penis to bend in different directions. Regularity and consistency are the same as when pulling.
- extrusion. . . helps increase the diameter of organs. It is best to use the above method first, and then sensitively squeeze the root of the penis for 5-10 minutes.
- distortion. . . It's like squeezing a wet towel, you only need to hold it with one hand instead of waving it with the whole hand. Each action is recorded with a 5-second pause.

Kegel exercises
The system was developed by physician Arnold Kegel and can be used as a useful exercise to enhance the advantages of other techniques.
At home, it is easy to exercise while driving and working. If a man wants to stop urinating and squeeze and untie the muscles involved, it takes 5-10 minutes a day.
You can delay compression for as long as possible and increase the number of methods. This exercise is only effective if you exercise regularly for a long time. Increased effectiveness, disappearance of stagnation, stable effects of massage and other methods-in general, some advantages!
The funny name explains the essence of the exercise. A person needs to have a stable erection and then rotate the pelvis in different directions for 2-5 minutes. A very useful exercise, suitable for warm-up exercises in leisure time.

Taoist practice and other teaching plans
The ancient methods of lengthening the penis and correcting the shape of the penis are similar to manual twisting, stretching and squeezing techniques. This can only be done when performing breathing exercises. And use the three fingers of the left hand to gently press the perineum area during operation.
There are many exercises in yoga that affect the growth of the penis. This includes meditation and teaching tantric sex. For a person who is far from this philosophy, it will be difficult to immediately rise to this level. Therefore, those who are interested in focusing and directing energy (penis growth) in the right direction, it is best to start with basic operations and exercises.
Aaron Kemmer's book provides a more detailed description of the family activities that lead to the steady growth of the penis. The author focuses on the safety of the exercises. The Kemmer system has collected many useful tips so that you can perfect each method.
The suggested methods should be used in combination. Using a vacuum pump will be a big advantage. The modern simulator allows you to enlarge your penis due to blood flow without injury and special effort. Customer reviews confirm the effectiveness of pumping, especially when used in conjunction with massage.